Historically, almost all companies going public did so by first hiring a corporate-securities lawyer to assist them in writing their documents. Technology has made an increasing number of companies forgo the use of the securities lawyer or, in many instances, to rely on other available resources in conjunction with the advice of an attorney.

The Go Public 101 handbook we have developed provides comprehensive templates for going public, including private placement documents, draft registration statement, and checklists. We think it’s a useful companion for companies going public are planning to go public. Whether with or without the assistance of legal counsel, our publication can materially assist companies in decreasing the cost and time of going public.

One of the frustrations we’ve heard from many, many companies is the lack of response by many members of the securities bar. If the market heats up, you can be sure that many of them will be very busy, and persons with little experience will enter the market. The knowledge you can obtain from our Going Public 101 book, we believe, will be invaluable in helping you speed up the process and understand it better.

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