NYSE Euronext Listings – Stock Exchange Listings on the NYSE Euronext

With over 7 NYSE Euronext register partners in Paris of which we work exclusively with to take companies public on the NYSE Euronext. We have listed more companies than any other Stock Exchange Listing consultancy.

The market of which most firms list on, in replacement of the Frankfurt First Quotation Board, has been the NYSE Euronext’s Free Market, which is a Paris Board called the Marche’ Libre.


–          NYSE Euronext is an American financial services company which means that both Europeans and American’s access trading the NYSE Euronext from anywhere in the World (Much more versatile than GXG, AIM, Frankfurt, and Berlin.) A Global Equity Exchange.

–          The Stock Symbol you are given is an NYSE symbol, therefore your firm is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

–          The share trading turn-over in the equity exchange is one of the largest in Europe, and competes with other stock exchanges such as the GXG markets, LSE Standard, where trading is very limited.

–          The listing includes a third party valuation, a French Custodian, Paris Sponsor, and an investment banker who will raise capital for your firm. (NOT JUST A TECHINICAL LISTING)

–          Listing is cheap, only 120,000 Euro, including the valuation, sponsor, auditor, legal, exchange fees, and investment banker engagement

–          Raising capital fees are low, only 7.5% max success fee for the raising of capital by the broker dealer

–          Listing on the NYSE Free Market is very fast and does not require a prospectus

The NYSE Free Market is not a regulated market in the sense of the EU Directive. The criteria for admission to the NYSE Free Market is much simpler, and listing costs low. The NYSE Free Market provides a mechanism for disseminating buy and sell orders, where trades are executed by NYSE Euronext member firms. Companies listed on the NYSE Free Market are not held to strenuous admission procedures or subject to disclosure requirements.

–          Listing is less than 2-3 months

–          No prospectus requirement

–          Valuation included in the pricing

–          Capital raising for your firm is included

–          All shares are free trading, and can be marketed within Europe and overseas, as the symbol is an NYSE symbol (Interactive Broker, Qtrade, ETrade, and many of the most popular trading systems include the NYSE)

–          Associate your firm with the New York Stock Exchange!

–          Ongoing reporting requirements are low and not expensive

–          Listing and all the additional services are included in the one-time package of 120,000 euro or less depending on the structure of your company


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